LOCAL 2428
AFSCME 2428 Presidents Update
Feb 26, 2018

AFSCME 2428 President's Update

February 19, 2018

I hope everyone enjoyed their back-to-back holiday weekends. It's only February but feels like spring...I hope we still have some rain coming before summer is truly here.

Here are updates for the month.

  1. Treasurers Training: March 3rd
  2. Vacancies: E-Board At Large (1 opening), Stewards (2 openings), CMS Coordinator (appointed)
  3. Uniform Committee
  4. Class & Comp Study
  5. MOU Update
  6. Working during furlough and years of service
  7. Gate Attendants/Staffing Levels
  8. Elections for Union Officers and International Convetion Delegates

1.    Treasurers Training: Are you considering running for an Officer position on the Executive Board?  Would you like to know more about the Union's financial requirements?  AFSCME Council 57 presents Treasurer’s Training by Cathy German, International Auditor on March 3, 2018, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM in Oakland.
***PRE REGISTRATION REQUIRED*** See attached form.

2.    Vacancies:

·      At Large (1): As we announced at the February General Membership Meeting, Dave Weaver has stepped down from his position due to personal commitments.  If interested in being appointed to this position for the remainder of this term ending June, 2018, please email EBoard@AFSCME2428.org by 5pm on Wed. 2/21. The EBoard is meeting on 2/21 to make the appointment. 

·      Stewards (2): there is one opening in the north and one in the south.  If interested, please contact ChiefSteward@AFSCME2428.com.

·      CMS Coordinator: Peter Fitch has been appointed the new CSM Coordinator and will be updating our website information.  

3.    Uniform Committee – Are you interested in being on the Joint Management-Union Uniform Committee to work on changes to uniforms? The joint committee meetings will be during work hours, and committee members will be released to attend.  There may be additional work required outside of those hours, especially to communicate with members who will be impacted by the changes proposed.  If interested, please email EBoard@AFSCME2428.org by 5pm on Wed. 2/21.  The EBoard is meeting on 2/21 to make the appointment. 

4.    Class & Comp Study: If you have not turned in your JAQ form, please do so ASAP.  Contact the Union’s task force if you have any concerns or questions at ClassCompTaskForce@AFSCME2428.org.  Remember that you can ask for a copy of the final JAQ form with comments from your Supervisor and Manager.  

5.    MOU Update: the District sent us a “final” draft with mistakes, which we have now reviewed again and will send back the corrections on Monday.  Frankly, I’m sick and tired of the back and forth, but it’s vital that we have the correct language in the MOU. 

6.    Hours worked during furlough in your regular position will count towards years of service going forward, as a settlement of a grievance filed against the District. 

7.    Gate Attendants were let go by the District as a result of the Union filing a grievance to compel them to follow the MOU regarding seasonal staff.  Seasonals are to be hired for seasonal work, not for year-round work.  We need the District to commit to having adequate staffing levels, and not to depend on exploiting lower paid, un-benefitted workers with no rights.  If staffing is needed in the kiosks all year, then they should be hired as regular/permanent PSAs, not as temps or seasonal Gate Attendants. The Union and the management are scheduled to meet on Feb. 28 regarding staffing levels.

8.    We will be holding elections in March for delegates to the International Convention (July 15-20 in Boston, MA), and in May/June for Union positions. 
       *** Please make sure the District has your current address: ballots will be mailed to the address on file. ***

In Solidarity,

Eri Suzuki



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